Tenterfield National Monument Association

Tenterfield National Monument Association's purpose is to promote the nation-building role of the region, its town and the people of Tenterfield and, further, to maintain the built and cultural assets that witness the region's unique history.

About Us

The Tenterfield National Monument Project is the brainchild of our Project Manager, renowned Architect, Robert (Bob) Perry (pictured), who grew up in Tenterfield before moving to study architecture in Sydney at the age of 17.
Over the years, Bob realised the architecture of his hometown was significant to the nation. In the mid-90s he proposed that Tenterfield Shire Council and the National Trust, owner of the School of Arts, apply for funding to restore the Sir Henry Parkes Memorial School of Arts, as part of the upcoming Centenary of Federation.
Bob was commissioned to prepare a Conservation Management Plan, thoroughly researched the history and significance of the building and its precinct, and proposed a design strategy for creating a museum, expanded library and conversion of the main hall into a cinema and multi-purpose hall.
The application was successful and works were carried out in time for the 2001 Centenary of Federation. The building was also featured on the commemorative $5 note.
Bob has since been aware of the significance of the town and its residents in the role of nation-building, beyond the 1889 Tenterfield Oration. He sees the core of the town as a physical commemoration of forces surrounding the creation of the Australian nation.
In 2018, Bob revived the idea of restoring the town centre with the help and enthusiasm of the late Peter Reid.
In 2019, Bob pitched his project proposal to the Tenterfield community - to restore the CBD’s building facades to how they looked in the early 1900s, with a vision of supporting the storytelling of Tenterfield's rich connection to Australian history.
He proposed a heritage precinct stretching from the School of Arts north along Rouse St, east up High St, and behind the service station on the corner of High St and Logan St to join Centenary Cottage. Here, Bob also proposes the development of an immersive heritage hub to boost cultural and experiential tourism in Tenterfield.